What’s cooking in January 2016?

WEBLizaBakerCookingDemo-65700I’ll be offering more hands-on cooking classes and a reprise of the Fl!p Your K!tchen menu planning workshop in January – you can see the full list on the Events page.

The Simply: Home Cooking classes this winter and spring will focus on getting back to basics and will cover a lot of the material in my upcoming cookbook as well as the online Fl!p Your K!tchen™ subscription course. If you prefer an in-person course, these classes are for you and are held at my home on the 3rd Sunday of each month! For now, registration for these classes is still found on the Simply: Home Cooking site, but if you’re used to getting your information there, be prepared for it to migrate to this site sometime soon.

The classes at Knight’s Family Kitchen continue to be held the 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings of the month, and we’re adding two Saturday classes a month as well. We’re dubbing the Saturday classes Girls’ Knight Out, Family Knight, and Date Knight, but of course everyone is welcome to register. Family Knight classes will be more accessible to those with school-aged children.
Registration for these classes is handled by Knight’s Family Kitchen.

I look forward to cooking with you soon!