
introduction to the coaching exercises

In the “inspiration” section of the clubhouse, you’ll find some concepts and activities that I use in my coaching practice—if you have ever wondered what a health coach does, you’ll get a taste of that here.

A few points to remember:

  • I’m not the answer lady, I’m the question lady: I view my role as being a “guide on the side” rather than a “sage on the stage.” That means I’m not here to tell you what you should or shouldn’t be doing, eating, etc.; instead, I’m here to provide the most unbiased, accurate information I can to help you decide how you want your health journey to look and feel.
  • We are all bio-individual: what works for one may not work for another, so ditch the “compare and despair” and let’s figure out what works for you.
  • Getting healthy is just as much about our primary foods as it is about what we put in our mouths, so get ready to think about what else in your life is nourishing you—or not.

I hope you will use the resources here to the fullest—and let me know if you ever have any questions! If you do the exercises and still need some extra support, consider upgrading to the “coaching” level of membership, which includes 1 coaching call a month. If that’s something you’re interested in, send me an email, and I’ll hook you up!